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smail says: <user@(nodomain)>

In a previous email that was somewhat unrelated to my following
Martin Bialasinski <martin@internet-treff.uni-koeln.de> said:

>A sample "mailsession" could be:
>220-haitech.martin.home Smail- (#2 1998-Mar-18) ready at Sun,
17 May 1998 18:21:21 +0200 (CEST)


>RCPT TO: martinb@localhost
>250 'martinb@localhost' <martinb@(nodomain)> Recipient Okay.

Ugrading to the newest hamm smail package, verifying local addresses
returns similar to the above example.  I thought maybe this was a config
problem on my part, but now that I've seen it again, maybe this is how
it's meant to be?  I tweaked my config, turing on and off various
attributes tying to get rid of the (nodomain) part, or at least getting
it to repeat the mailname of my system.  Anyone know if this is the
intended behaviour?


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