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Problems with irqtune...

Hi all:

	I've been following the list for a while now and I am really impressed
by the degree of cooperation everyone has here. Well, at last I've
decided to write you as I have a problem I haven't been able to solve
alone, though I am not a newbie in Linux, or at least not too much  :-)

	I have a problem with irqtune. I use Debain 1.3.1 almost upgraded to r7
and when I try to execute irqtune it complains about insmod not being
able to load module '/usr/lib/hwtools/irq_tune.o'. I have tried to make
the insmod manually and then it complains about not being able to find
the kernel version the module was compiled for... The module is in its
correct place, and I have made a depmod over it and also a depmod -a...
My kernel version is 2.0.33 from the debian package and I have made same
changes to the kernel and installed a custom one... is that the reason,
perhaps? I have made the changes totally by hand ( I mean using 'make
menuconfig', 'make dep', 'make clean', 'make zlilo'...) and then I have
installed the modules I have compiled with 'make modules' and 'make
modules_install' and everything else works smoothly... Well, I have no
idea about how to fix it, and why it happens... so any idea would be
greatly apreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Nacho Más Ivars			  	If you can keep your head when all
mailto: nacho_mas@iname.com		about you are losing theirs and
Tfn: 970 79 31 94			blaming it on you...
P.O.Box: 13106 28080 Madrid (Spain) 		(Rudyard Kipling)

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