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Re: dselect oddities

>>"Steve" == Steve Lamb <morpheus@calweb.com> writes:

Steve> The beef is that you're arguing with me because the default
Steve> happens to suit you and you don't see where the problem is with
Steve> marking things to be held yet if the situation were reversed,
Steve> where you would have to constantly mark things to be upgraded,
Steve> you would find it unacceptable.

	I think not. Let me clarify here. The default is that all
 packages are upgraded be default. The reverse (two ops: move
 to new: press =, move to all upgraded: press =) is to have no
 packages upgraded by default.

	So: two ops reverses the default.

	In the current method, I never touch anything, cause I want it
 all upgraded; in your method; I would have to mark all for upgrade
 (which I find unacceptable, but thats me).

	Now, you have to mark packages you want to upgrade. Tell me
 again, how reversing the default would be any different?  Can you
 show any possible means where you do not have to mark packages for
 upgrade? (In the current method, you have to mark packages to hold
 them; I shpowed how to reverse the default in two ops).

Steve> It seems to me that both behaviors are valid depending on the
Steve> individual behind the keyboard and both should be an option,
Steve> not forcing people who don't want to upgrade to constantly have
Steve> to mark packages as held.  Don't you agree?

	Two ops get you the reverse default already. And, anyway, as I
 said, the authors shall gladly accept valid patches.

	I do not understand your reluctance to explicitly hold all new
 and upgraded packages, which is doable right now, and should
 solve your problem.

	I asl again: wheres the beef?

 I'm driving my landrover through the dunes of ideas... rmmm! It's
 cool, though.  I've got a rollbar. Todd Rockoff
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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