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supressing return mail with "at"

I have a screwball link in my apartment, a 9600 isn line.  ANd, unfortunately, 
the m-soft  right-" is ^S with bit 8 high.  There is no way to reset the 
adaptor from my end using this; it needs a complete reset, losing the line, or 
a ^Q from the host.

I tossed together a 2 line script to run with at, to give me a ^Q every 
echo -n "bbb" > /dev/ttyp8
at -f testfile now + 1 minutes

(in which I would have to change the ttyp before launching, and use ^Q rather 
than BBB).

THis works, but sends an email confirmation every minute.  reading the 
manfile, it looks like the most I can do is change where the mail goes, not 
supress it.  Or is there a way to do this?


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