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Install Mailsystem HELP! continuation

Hi it s me again,

this is just to prevent you from proposing things I allready have

Saturday: making up my mind I decided the true error to be -
          From the manpage smail(8): If the -bd option was used,
then            bind() failed:  Address already  in  use  implies 
that           another process is already listening on the SMTP socket. 
          So where to look for that villian blocking the SMTP socket.
          Remembered that mozilla had been running during some (all?)
          af the previous tests. So make shure it is not running.
          New test: one more possible cause eliminated.
          Maybe the ISDN logging demon is interfering?
          /etc/init.d/isdnlog stop
          New test: one more possible cause eliminated.
          Check this list: sorry, no new hints.
          Running out of ideas, reading the Xemacs info to relax,
          setting up a ~/.emacs file to make shure the from- Header
          will be OK (when I ever come to that).
          Quit for today.
Sunday:   Desperate start trying silly things. disable isdnlog
          and unload ISDN subsystem (no i dont have any internet-
          connection any more) and still smail is complaining.
          Should I continue and remove first module hisax and then
          ppp for further tests? Dont think I am that silly.
          Look up the manpage again and find at the bottom a reference
          to "Smail Administration and Installation Guide".
          Hire AltaVista to lookup the web for it. Just getting
          references to the manpages.
          Install xarchie to have a further look at the ftp-sites.
          Write this message.

hope for help.


p.s.: this periodic cronjob (runq) is getting me nervous.

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