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Re: A few things about Debian Hamm

On 15 Apr 98 12:09:52 GMT, chris@ormond.unimelb.edu.au (Chris) wrote:

>Another thing - is there any plans for debianizing the enlightenment
>window manager?

>From the "Prospective Packages" list posted here regularly, it seems
that there is:

   By Shaleh (shaleh@livenet.net):
     * [10]The enlightenment window manager

Also, Shaleh mentioned on the list recently that he's waiting for the
E code to become more stable/compatible with Debian, or something like
that.  The next major version of E is the end of May, so he's looking
at a mid-June release of the Debian version.  (but this sort of date
is never set in concrete)

I'm getting itchy already, what with Enlightenment, the Gimp/GTK,
Mozilla, Debian 2.0, Kernel 2.2 and the like just about to arrive in
full force...  Time to buy a plastic keyboard cover and a box of
Kleenex, I think.  :->

Rob Wilderspin.
"But I need it to crash once every few days - 
reboots are the only chance I get to sleep..."
----------------------= (send replies to rob@)

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