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Re: Linus Torvalds - Man of the century

David Densmore wrote:
> When it was suggested that we all go to the Pathfinder web site and
> vote for Linus as man of the century, it struck me as a very good
> idea and I did so immediately.
> Personally, I think the idea of picking one person to stand out above
> all others in the 20th century is ridiculous.  A really pointless
> excercise.  But they are going to do it anyway, so why not vote for our
> guy?  Linus certainly will not "win" man of the century, but that's not
> the point.  As users of Linux, we believe that a free computer operating
> system is good for humanity.  At least it would be if more people used
> it.  So we all should be looking for ways to promote it.  The NPR piece
> was good.  Having Linus get a few votes in Time Magazine's silly contest
> would also be good.  Just enough to get mentioned somewhere.  The idea
> is to get Linux mentioned in the mainstream media as much as possible.
> And typing the words "Linus Torvalds" and clicking a submit button
> doesn't seem like too much effort to me.
Yes, you are right what you mention about promotion. But believing in
free software (good for humanity as you say) means to me also, that
there is no special person to look up godalike (don't know to express
this better, you know what i mean). I think Linus should not be the
person for free software, like Bill Gates, founder of Operating Systems,
graphical environments and the internet.


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