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Re: Which Linux should I install?

> So. UNIX is NOT for WORKSTATIONS. Is this true?

    No.  But things are harder for starters than in NT.  Only that if
using NT, after 12 months you will have been left with a system crying
to be reinstalled perhaps.  And will still not have had to reboot even
once if you are using Linux...

> If I agree to change every NT and NW host by a UNIX host I will change
>too the NetBeui and IPX/SPX protocols by only TCP/IP. Are there TCP
>printing services (client and server for Windows) that can work with
>Laserjet and DesketJet Printers?

    Yes.  lp is concerned with redirection only, you can continue to use
the same drivers...

>Are there NFS (client and server) that
>can me easy to configure on Windows? to share a Windows over TCP/IP (a
>server is not a big problem because I want people archive important
>files in the UNIX servers)?

    Yes.  But they aren't free.  Your choice is wider if you use only 95
and NT Intel, not NT on RISC.  For Intel only, Sun has a fine solution
for NFS and NIS.  For Alpha compatibility, Sysgraph has NFS.

>What need to be amde
>in Linux? Is there "Login scripts" or similars?

    You can look at the Samba pages... http://samba.anu.edu.au/samba/.
That's what you'd use if you do not want to make changes to your users'

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