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/etc/exports config question


I have a network of several debian 2.0 machines.  One of these
acts as the NIS master and each machine exports disks to all
the others.  Currently I am using an NIS distributed netgroup
entry in /etc/exports to indicate which hosts are allowed to
mount. (eg. /data/a1 @mynetgroup(rw,no_root_squash) 

The problem is that when I reboot the NIS master, the mountd's
on the other machines stop exporting their drives to the master.
If I "kill -HUP" the mountd it re-evaluates /etc/exports and
all is well again.

I am searching for suggestions.  The man page for mountd mentions
running it out of inetd.conf and that seems reasonable but the
default starts it in /etc/init.d/netstd_nfs.


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