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Re: Create Special Boot Disks??

On Tue, 24 Mar 1998, Jay Barbee wrote:

> If the stock 1.3.1 Rescue disk will not boot up a system with an 
> Adaptec SCSI controller, do I have any other options for getting this 
> to work?  Are there special rescue disks out there for this sort of 
> thing?


I see this is your second request. Nobody has answered this, so I'll
hazard a response. If I'm in error, I know someone will correct me ;) 

The boot (rescue) disks use syslinux to boot the kernel.  The
instructions on the disk say you can put any kernel on the disk and name
it linux.  Then you can use the disk to boot. I had trouble with the
modules, so you should put all the modules you are going to need for
install (in my case, I had to have SCSI CD rom support). Then ask on
this list, they KNOW and WILL help.

Please look at the rescue disk on an msdos machine and confirm this. I
had to do this when I booted my system at home with AHA 1542, then later
AHA 2840 SCSI controllers, but that was back in the Deb 0.93 and 1.1

Lots of luck.


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