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Re: CNAME records (was: Re: dynamic DNS within a non-dynamic domain)

On 09 Mar 1998 10:50:15 +0100, wrote:
> Note that AFAIK all SMTP mailers (well, sendmail at least) will rewrite the 
> addresses in the mail headers. That includes rewriting a CNAME pointer to
> the canonical name it points to.

If this is what ails my smail, then the vast majority of domains have 
recently and unanimously conspired to reject my mail, because I've been 
sending mail just fine up until I installed hamm.  This idea seems an 
incomplete explanation, if this also applies to me, but anything's 

> So even if you send out mail with the CNAME in the From: header field,
> the recipient mailer will rewrite it.. no way around it.
> The correct way to solve this is to not use CNAMEs but to just set
> up an extra A + MX record. Or perhaps just an MX record if all you're
> using it for is mail.

I don't run sendmail, but what's going on sounds an awful lot like like 
what I'm experiencing with smail, so I'd like to know more about 
"setting up an MX record", whatever that is..   Where can I find out 
about this?
David Stern                          

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