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Re: newbie setup of ppp

I hope this doesn't sound overly simplistic, but...

I literally beat myself up trying to get ppp working when I first got started with
Debian. I read, re-read and bugged everybody on the list trying to figure out what
was wrong with my setup. ( pon, poff, etc.)
I double checked with my isp to make sure everything was right as far as my scripts
went.  Everything looked right... except for one little thing.

To start ppp on my isp's end required that my login name in my /etc/ppp.chatscript be
in all caps! I didn't know this, my isp didn't tell me when I asked them, so ppp
would never start when I tried to connect using pon. When I dialed in using minicom,
I was accessing my "shell account" only, so I could telnet  in.
(Using lower case letters for my login name) When I tried using pon, everything
looked right, but my connection would just die after about ten seconds because ppp
was never started on my isp's end.

Anyway, this may not be the same problem as you're having, but I hope it helps! Don't
overlook anything!  :-)


> Steve Morrill                    +                                     <
> Reply to: <smorrill@oro.net>     +    DEBIAN LINUX!                    <
> PGP key ID# F2459FCD             +                                     <

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