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Re: massive fetchmail frustration

Britton writes:
[snip] Sorry, can't help you with fetchmail, Yet 8-)

> Some related questions:
> Is there an elegant userland way to bring up a ppp link and retrieve mail
> every day at a specified time (like 4 AM)?  Options that occur to me are:

I use UUCP and wanted to do the same sort of retrieval. I created a shell
script which calls the appropriate daemon (UUCICO in my case). I then added an
entry into the cron table, /etc/crontab, and cron then runs the script as 
root and picks up the mail at designated intervals. The permissions on the
script are set as 700 and are owned by root:root. Smail/elm simply queue the
out-bound mail until the script is ran. In-bound mail is automatically

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Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK 
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