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Re: Help: How can I recover /etc/aliases from /etc/aliases.db?

If you are using dbm, you might be able to use the db_dump command.

Here is a little piece of the manpage for it:

       db_dump - the DB database dump utility

       db_dump [-d] [-f output] db_file
       db_dump [-p] [-f output] [-h home] db_file
       db_dump185 [-p] [-f output] db_file

       The  db_dump  utility  reads the database file db_file and
       writes it to the standard output using  a  portable  flat-
       text  format  understood  by  the db_load(1) utility.  The
       argument db_file must be a  file  produced  using  the  DB
       library functions.

This is from the db_dump that comes with the Berkeley db from sleepycat.
I just checked one of my debian systems and db_dump is in /usr/bin.

On Thu, 5 Mar 1998, Vincent Renardias wrote:

> [please CC: replies to me]
> The subject pretty much says it all...
> I accidentally deleted the /etc/aliases on a machine using sendmail 8.8.7,
> but I still have the compiled /etc/aliases.db around. Is there a way to
> recover the original file?
> 	Vincent,
> 	(Who will copy 1000 times "I will not hack at 6 AM")
> --
> - Vincent RENARDIAS                 vincent@{waw.com,pipo.com,debian.org} -
> - Debian/GNU Linux:           Pipo:                    WAW:               -
> - http://www.fr.debian.org    http://www.pipo.com      http://www.waw.com -
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> - "La fonctionnalite Son Visuel vous delivre des avertissements visuels." -
> -                          [Message durant l'installation de Windows95] :wq
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