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Problem with gmp? Conflict on /dev/ttyS0?

   I have been using Debian linux on an IBM Thinkpad for about a month.
The machine only has one serial port.  I am using a modem and kermit
on that port, with device name /dev/ttyS0.  I have been able to make
remote connections with other machines, but there have been occasional
crashes and other puzzling behavior.

    I have a partially installed X.  The pointer/mouse device in the
center of the keyboard doesn't work!  (it does work when I'm running
Windows 95).

    I'm wondering whether these two problems may be related.  The booting
process calls a program gpm.  I don't know exactly what it does, but it
seems to want to make /dev/ttyS0 the mouse device, which is the serial
port on my machine.

    What should I do?  My understanding of this stuff is very limited,
and I would like to avoid recompiling the kernel if possible.


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