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Re: 2.0.33 kernel and libc6 dependancies

Hummm, I have not tried that yet but it should work.  When I do a 
dpkg --status libc6-dev
it shows the dependency as  kernel-source-2.0.32 (>= 2.0.32-2) so your
2.0.33 should meet that requirement.

Damir J. Naden wrote:
> Hi, all --
> I just recompiled my own version of 2.0.33 kernel, based on 2.0.33_2.0.33-3
> source package. Everything runs fine for the time being, and the only question
> I have is : how do you get rid of the kernel-source-2.0.32_2.0.32-3 package?
> It takes up a whole lot of space on my machine and it does absolutely nothing
> now that the 2.0.33 is current one. I tried to purge it (after I have
> installed kernel-source-2.0.33_2.0.33-3.deb package), but I got the message
> that libc6-dev_2.0.6-2.deb package depends on it and it refuses to remove it.
> Doing a "dpkg-deb --info libc6-dev_2.0.7pre1-2.deb" aso shows a dependancy to
> the kernel-source-2.0.32.
> Any hints?
> thanks
> Damir

      bleach@BellSouth.net  b.leach@Worldnet.att.net
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