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scsi: tape drive gets ONE partition's signals, load reaches 17.

For four months, I noticed no problems with my tape drive or my disk drive.
In the last two weeks, I have updated a few packages in hamm, but not many.
I now have two indicators that just one partition (out of 8+ partitions) on my 
disk drive gets its signals diverted to the tape drive.

1. mke2fs -c /dev/sdc12
   results in a churning of the tape /dev/st0 for 30 minutes until I kill the 
   Then I have difficulty typing a character as the load meter shows 17 
horizontal lines.
2. When making backups, only the partition /dev/sdc12 fails.
   If I duplicate its contents to another partition, "dump" succeeds.  Again, 
dumping to this /dev/sdc12 partition churns the tape drive for at least 30 
minutes until I kill the dump command.

The above disk drive is a wide 9GB Fujitsu.  The above tape drive is an old 
Exabyte 8200 8mm.  I have two other narrow 2GB Seagate drives externally 
attached.  All these scsi devices are attached to an Adaptec 2940UW adapter.

Because of this mixing of scsi signals between one disk drive partition and 
the tape drive, I no longer use the partition /dev/sdc12. The setup of my 
Adaptec 2940UW refuses any ultra scsi protocol, preventing an "ultra" problem. 
  This cross-signal problem seems inexplicable.  Has anyone any 

Jim Burt, NJ9L,		Fairfax, Virginia, USA
jameson@mnsinc.com	http://www.mnsinc.com/jameson

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