>>"Stephen" == Stephen Zedalis <> writes:
Stephen> On Tue, 24 Feb 1998, Scott Ellis wrote:
>> Nope. You need to sign a licence to distribute it at all
>> (including in non-free) and Debian isn't willing to sign the
>> licence (and you can't just have "someone else" sign the licence
>> and then upload it to non-free).
Stephen> Hmm... Isn't it for things like this that the Debian board
Stephen> was created? And if the license is free, why don't they want
Stephen> to sign it?
How can you say the licence is free? It seems abaout as
restricitve as they can get without getting commercial. (free is not
for no cost in this context)
Stephen> The current bo distribution has several packages
Stephen> of software that is just as dubious in licensing and of
Stephen> possibly less usefulness. merit-radius is just such an
Stephen> example. As far as I know it is commercial-ware put out by
Stephen> Merit.
If this is the case, this is a major bug in the distribution.
Stephen> This is starting to smack of the same problems that
Stephen> the various BSD flavors have, ie. a particular committee
Stephen> slowly making decisions "for the public good" but seemingly
Stephen> out of touch with users needs.
Well, since this committee is doing all the work, and you know
what they are getting paid for it, I think they have a right, don't
you? (the committee in question is the set of people who work on
Debian, and public good has nothing to do with it)
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- References:
- Re: BGP
- From: Stephen Zedalis <>