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SyJET driver


  I've finally connected and mounted the SyJET onto my Linux box.
  Everything seems to work fine.  However, I noticed that the SyJET
  mount point would sometime 'magically' change itself from 'rw' to
  'readonly' mode.  I suspect that when the drive went into idle
  for a long time and it spinned itself down which would cause this
  mode changed from 'rw' -> 'readonly'.

  Secondly,  I've written some files onto this SyJET after I mounted
  it as vfat/fat.  However, when I tried to read it from Windows/NT,
  I got error saying that the files from this SyJET have some error!

  If anyone could help me out on this problems,  please drop an email.

Timothy C. Phan
Intelligence Quest Research, INC.

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