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[autofs] Need a auto.hosts map for different machines with different exports

$ showmount -e foo
/logs		(everyone)
/		(everyone)

$ showmount -e bar
/var/spool/pcnfs (everyone)
/d               (everyone)

$ cat /etc/auto.master
/h                      /etc/auto.hosts
/tools          /etc/auto.tools
/mnt            /etc/auto.mnt   --timeout 10

$ cat /etc/auto.hosts
*	&:/&

As expected (from auto.hosts), I am able to mount the exports of foo
under /h/foo.  As expected, I am unable to mount the exports of bar
under /h/bar

I try
*	&:/d/&

Works great for mounting the exports of bar but I am unable to mount the
exports of foo now.

I try
*	&:&

I am unable to mount the exports of foo and bar.

What should my map read for mounting the exports of both foo and bar?

PS: foo and bar are generic names.  foo and bar could be exporting

"Oh, Lisa, this isn't real.  It's just how you might look if you were
            a cartoon character." -- Homer J. Simpson
Sudhakar C13n                                       (650) 937-2354 (O)
International Websites Engineer                     (650) 940-1896 (H)

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