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In article <v04003a11b117a924e9d1@[]>,
Joel Klecker <jk@espy.org> wrote:
>At 20:23 +0100 1998-02-23, Peter Paluch wrote:
>>I would like to ask - is there any package which enables routing using
>>BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) ? I know that there is routed, but it
>>doesn't seem to be able to use BGP.
>gated, but there is no Debian package for it due to licensing[1] (there was
>talk of doing an installer package, but nothing ever came of it). gated is
>available at <http://www.gated.org/>.

There are 2 more packages under development that speak bgp:

1. MRT, see http://www.merit.edu/net-research/
2. Zebra, see http://www.zebra.org/

Both are not as mature as gated but look promising.

I am still waiting for both of them to get OSPF support, but that will
probably take a lot longer ..

 Miquel van Smoorenburg |  The dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac lay in his bed
    miquels@cistron.nl  |  awake all night wondering if there is a doG

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