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Re: New Linux user


I hope you have more success than I did getting information from this
bunch.  I had similar problems with my CDRom and left messages for help
and never got anything back from any of them.  It sounds like you have a
proprietary CDRom and those seems to have a little problem being seen by 
linux.  I think it has something to do with the sound card stopping
linux from seeing the address of the CDRom.  If its an IDE and not a
proprietary, then try plugging it straight into your motherboard or
the IDE interface that will make it easier to be seen.
  Another source of info would be your area users group, go to the
Linux home page and look for the users group in your area they are
the ones that helped me.
  Don't give up so soon though, it's only a computer.  It might take you a
little more time but you'll get it.
  I'd give yu more info but I'm a newbie too and that speaks for itself.
One thing I can say, make sure ALL of your hardware is supported.

Some points of reference:
       The Linux Home Page-  Look under FAQ's and How-To's
        www.redhat.com    -  They have some generalized info that might
I wish you luck


Anthony R   

On Sun, 22 Feb 1998 CDALEDAVE@aol.com wrote:

> Hello, I just received and installed Debian Linux, and I've gotten up to the
> DSELECT part.  I have the files it wants on CD, but I can't get Linux to
> recognize my CDrom drive, which is a Matshita CD-ROM CR-581.  It keeps saying
> something about ISO 9660, I don't remember if that was the file system or
> what.  I found the file system the CD drive uses, it is CDFS, as reported by
> Norton Utilities. I'm beginning to think Linux was a bad idea for me; I
> thought that just because DOS doesn't scare me I could do it.  If anyone could
> help me out or point me in the right direction, I'd be most thankful.
> cdaledave@aol.com
> cannondaledave@juno.com
> --
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