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Newbie Proprietary CDROM Install Problems

Dear Sirs:
I am having a problem installing linux on my system.  I have the install
on CDROM and I can't get the system to see my CDROM.  I have tried with
Debian, RedHat and Caldera Open Linux Lite and I can't seem to get through
the install.   I know that the aztcd module is the module for my
proprietary CDROM and have tried it in manual and autoprobe but still
can't the CDROM to be seen. MY I/O address is (360) and I enter the
parameters at boot like:
         is this right or not?  If it isn't could somebody tell me the
right method, I have already read so many FAQ's and online manuals that my
eyes hurt
               My proprietary CDROM is:      Orchid CDS-3110    CD
                         attached to a:      Orchid GameWave 32 SC

        Is there perhaps a problem with the system seeing the address
because of the sound card?

   Email me at:  rossmea@email.uah.edu

Thanks in advance,

Anthony Rossmeier 

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