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Re: nis & shadow

Gabriel Millerd wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On Fri, 20 Feb 1998, Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:
> > As I said before it's moot anyway because I can sniff the packets off
> > the ethernet. Don't be so sure that someone who plugs into your net
> >
>         Ummm, you lost me. I thought that ADT Security got you before you
> setup your machine. How is it that your sniffing packets off my ethernet
> again? over your WAN connection...

Well, um no, ADT did not get me because I'm not an intruder, I'm that new guy
down the hall who just got hired. I'm not saying anything about coming from
the outside

  [ material only relevant if I *were* talking about being off the lan removed

>         Oh I am sure someone didn't remember to do something or didnt
> think of something. But I sort of trust your not going to sniff packets in
> the manner you describe (or actually dont describe).

There's already a debian package to do it, it's called tcpdump. The documents
which describe the binary format of RPC requests/replys are publicly
available. You shouldn't trust that I'm not going to sniff packets.

Jens B. Jorgensen

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