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Re: Installing packages larger than 1.44MB via floppy disks

I just 'poked around' looking for something that would describe the
command syntax for rawwrite.exe and nothing that I could find even
suggested that the program could 'skip' such as dd will do... if that is
true then of course it would be useless for what was wanted.

dd can copy from a rawwrite floppy but as I mention, I am not certain if
dd is available during initial installation.

> > Maybe someone can confirm this for certain but isn't this exactly the
> > sort of thing that "rawwrite.exe" does?  If that is the case, then you
> > can copy the files "in specified sized pieces" and then use either
> > rawwrite on the target machine under DOS or dd under Linux (if dd is in
> > the base system).
> I don't think that this is really what rawwrite is ment for. It provides a
> method to circumvent DOS' filesystem interface. That way you can write
> something (ie. a linux kernel) to the bootsector part of a floppy.
> If you write a .deb to diskette in "raw" format, how do you plan to get it
> off later?

      bleach@BellSouth.net  b.leach@Worldnet.att.net
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