Kernel doesn't boot!!
Hello everybody!
I wonder if anybody has experienced a similar problem: while trying to
install the kernel onto a new machine, the kernel starts booting, it
arrives to the following:
> checking hlt instruction: ok
> ...
Then the machine is suddenly reset and the familiar BIOS screen is shown
The system is a new Pentium Motherboard:
BIOS reports that is it a HX 512 KB cache system, also called
Powerboard P586 TX ( ?? )
CPU is Intel Pentium MMX 233
The motherboard supports Bios mastering for IDE devices and has 2 serial
port which can be configured as standard COM or USB Serial Bus port.
I have tried EVERYTHING: starting with bare configuration, disabling
caching, using the safer possible configuration. I have tried to disable
hard disk and boot using only floppy disk (boot + root).
I have tried different kernels, from Slackware, Debian and RedHat.
I have tried also the new 2.31.0 kernel.
The really strange thing is Win95 (OSR 2) boots without any problem and
withu t using any non-standard configuration.
Is it possible that Linux cannot do what Win95 does ? I won't believe it,
but I actually need to change motherboard to have a fully working system.
(The other devices should not be involved in the problem, perhaps only
serial ports can do some mess, but I think this is very unprobable....)
Is anybody who knows something about this motherboard model... I can try
to dig other info, but it is very difficult since Linux suddenly reset the
system and it is very difficult to read what is displaying. Is it possible
to redirect kernel output at boot on a serial line, and if so, is it
possible to read it easily, for example using another Linux box ?
Thanks everybody!
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