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Re: Kernel compilation

<wingman@wingman.dyn.ml.org> writes:
> All very good points except alot of people including myself prefer
> compiling their own kernels for various reasons. But at the same time run
> into packages that "require" the debian package version even though you
> have same or newer self compiled kernel installed. Not to mention that I
> personally run devel kernels for various reasons.

If you actually *read* Manoj's posting, you'll realize that the entire
posting was about using make-kpkg is while compiling your own kernels.

make-kpkg is a way for you to integrate those self-compiled kernels
into the Debian packaging system.

I've used make-kpkg for nearly two years, and I don't use pre-compiled
Debian kernels.  I never have.

If, for whatever reason, you don't want that, fine, but don't bitch
about it when packages which are kernel-version dependent follow
Debian's standard.  We (more properly, Manoj) have provided a way to
achieve this---if you don't bother to actually investigate, even when
you're told about it, then you reap what you sow.


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