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how can I change priority of focused/non-focused windows?


I've noticed that most http and ftp clients will have decreased 
download rates when their window loses focus. There doesn't need to be 
any other modem usage, or even a resource intensive app in focus for 
this to occur.  I've tried `renice', but this doesn't noticeably change 
the behavior I'm referring to -- yes, renice works, and I'm using 
negative values, up to -20, but that doesn't have anywhere near the 
impact of going out of focus.  I'd like to give unfocused windows a 
higher priority.  How can I do this?

I've also noticed that during long downloads, some ftp clients tend to 
"stall", but that particularly two activities will restart the download:
  a.) Dragging the titlebar of the ftp client window, clicking titlebar.
  b.) Pinging a FQDN, starting a net-aware app, other small net jobs.
What causes this, and/or how can I keep ftp clients alive on long 
D a v i d   S t e r n                          

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