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I am a Linux fanatic living in India.
I currently use Slackware 3.3.
I wish to keep my system Microsoft-free. I have the follwing problem.
(1) It is almost impossible to get non pnp ethernet cards, modems etc in
(2) Further these cards are usually no-name Asian types with their own DOS
(3) I am no great device-driver writer.
Since I have to use Linux with these peripherals, I have to first boot
into DOS and then warm-boot into Linux.
Can I get rid of MSDOS if I use freeDOS ? All I want is my machine to boot
into DOS, poke in the pnp drivers and warm-boot Linux.
Please note that I wish to work only in Linux. I do not wish to run any
DOS programs from Linux. For example, I wish to participate on a network
(using a pnp ethernet card) or browse the WWW (using Lynx on a pnp modem)
from Linux.
I know you can help me do this.
Thank you in advance.
M. K. Pai
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