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Re: cc:Mail under Linux (was: debian-user-digest Digest V98 #224 (fwd))

Dave Burchell wrote:

> Hey Kevin,
> Me too!  I also want to get cc:Mail working under LInux.  But I am going to
> try to get the DOS version running.
> On my main machine I have an old kernel (well, 2.0.27) so I'm going to try
> to bring it up on our new 200Mhz box.  I'm planning to do dosemu, but
> setting it up is pretty involved, especially if you want IPX to work.
> Tell me more about the error you get.  Do you run an IPX/SPX (netware)
> network?  Is that where your cc:Mail PO is?  If so can you see it from

Glad to see I'm not the only one! <grin>. Thought I was going mad...

The PO is set up on a Netware IPX volume. I use ncpfs to mount it
under a subdirectory (/zen), making the entire SYS: and DATA: volumes
accessible from my Linux box.

The location of the Post Office is under \\ZEN:\DATA\CCMAIL.

I put an entry into wine.conf which maps the M: drive to the ccmail
Post Office directory.

I then run the 16-bit cc:mail program using Wine.

cc:Mail loads up with very few complaints from wine - good!

cc:Mail logs into the Post Office, and displays the main screen,
showing the different folders - inbox, trash etc..  - better!

I double-click the inbox folder to get a listing of my email. cc:Mail
then informs me with a dialog box "Not enough files to open window"
- aaarrrgh <cough>!!!!

As I see it, it's to do with setting up the "FILES=30" in MS-DOS
config.sys. It looks as if the equivalent setting under Wine needs to
be configured. Unfortunately, I could see no way to do this, after
reading through all the help files/info associated with Wine :(

So I almost got there...

I did consider trying to set up dosemu, but I don't have the time
to figure out how to configure it for use with mounting Netware
volumes etc.

Personally, I'd like to see some kind of port of cc:mail to Linux.
If I could get my hands on the file specs for cc:Mail Post Offices
and email files, then I would definately try to make either a
curses-based cc:mail reader, or even an X-windows version.

Hope the info above helped you.



P.S. Note the correct email address :)

Kevin Cave. A Scotsman living in London.
Registered Linux User #64441
email: kcave@unix.pims.co.uk

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