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NFS mounting problem

I'm having some problems mounting with NFS.  The baffling thing is
that the client machine (aidan) can happily mount two other
directories from the server (miles), but consistently balks on this
one.  Here's what I start with on aidan:

aidan# mount 
/dev/hda3 on / type ext2 (rw)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
miles:/home on /home type nfs (rw,addr=
miles:/var/spool/mail on /var/spool/mail type nfs

and then I try to add one more:

aidan# mount miles:/usr/local/java /mnt
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on miles:/usr/local/java,
       or too many mounted file systems

I don't understand the message.  Here's /etc/exports from the server:

/home                   *.metamata.com(rw)
/var/spool/mail         *.metamata.com(rw)
/cdrom                  *.metamata.com(rw)
/usr/local/java         *.metamata.com(rw)

I tried adding this to /etc/exports on miles, and aidan was able to
mount it fine:

/tmp			*.metamata.com(rw)

Here are the permissions for /usr/local/java on the server:

miles:~$ ls -ldg /usr/local/java
drwxrws---  14 root     staff        1024 Feb 10 11:34 /usr/local/java/

I'e tried messing around wih the permissions, but nothing I did seemed
to make any difference.

I'm out of ideas, so any suggestions will be gratefully tried out.



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