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Spreading Linux..... new PPP problem :(.

I'm helping a friend setup debian on his computer; he uses the same
ISP as me, so I set it up just like mine.....
It didn't work immediately (It just disconnected shortly after connect),
so I added +chap to the options file to make sure it was using the
CHAP auth that the server wanted.
Now when I start pppd, it says..... Peer Authentication Required, but no
authentication files accessible. - I presume this means that the problem
is that it couldn't / cant find or access the chap-secrets file that
I made.
The chap-secrets is in /etc/ppp, and I chmod'ed it to 777 just incase,
but it still does the same stuff.

I'm sure its something really silly that i'm missing.
Any ideas what it could be?

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