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Re: gcc Internal compiler error 366 ???

In an attempt to save the world from disaster, Rene Hogendoorn wrote:
> While compiling two C++ files with g++, I get the above error
> (consistently on 2 different hamm 2.0.33 pentium boxes).
> The same two files compile OK on a Dec alpha DU4.0 with gcc-2.7.2.

> Anyone got a clue what this means?

If it's C++ code, it probably means what it says: that there is an
internel compiler error: gcc has a lot of those (For C++, that is).

If you give us a short part of the code that reproduces the problem
we may be able to say for sure.

You could also try either the egcs or gcc-2.8 packages, in experimental
(but they have problems, and apparently need a more recent libg++ -- sorry
for that (I'm the  libg++ maintainer))

joost witteveen, joostje@debian.org

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