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Re: Installproblem Xfree86.

Please use the debian packages of X, not the tarballs distributed by XFree86.  
See http://www.debian.org/cgi-bin/fom?file=21 for instructions.

>>>>> On Mon, 9 Feb 1998, "JB" == Joakim Burman wrote:

  JB> Hello Debian-users!

  JB> Can someone help me with some "Newbie" questions..

  JB> 1. When I try to install Xfree86 whith gzip I got (I think) an
  JB> errormessage like "Broken Pipe". What does that mean?  2. How do you
  JB> run "shell script"? In Howto:s for Xfree86 they say you want to run the
  JB> shellscript preinst.sh first of all but I don«t now how to do that.
  JB> 3. It don«t seems that I have the manual-klient "man". What packagename
  JB> is that "manual-klient"?  When I try to run with "startx" as root the
  JB> message I get is:        

Proudly running Debian Linux! Linux vs. Windows is a no-Win situation....
Igor Grobman           igor@debian.org                 igor@digicron.com 

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