Re: Automating PPP with cron?
On Sun, Feb 08, 1998 at 11:43:15PM -0500, Shaleh wrote:
> Pardon me for being on a soap box. I work for an ISP. It costs us $30
> for one phone line, not counting our T or anything else. Our customers
> pay anywhere between 10 and 18 dollars a month. Every one of them that
> hogs a line makes us lose money, gives everyone busy signals, and eats
> our T's. If you need dedicated access -- pay for it. You are only
> stealing from the very people you pay for service. And when you get a
> busy signal, remember why.
Pardon me but it is not nice of you to describe your customers in this way.
Your policies should give you a way to deal with the problem; if you want
to have unlimited access (which I gather is the trend in the USA; we have
quite a high amount of time-charging here in Oz), you should have advertised
time limits per day or per call and you should enforce them. You should not
get on your soapbox on a mailing list about it.
Hamish Moffatt,,,
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