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HELP!! applix 4.3.7 woes

well, it seems I am still fighting to get applix to work... I ordered
the upgrade from Red hat this week on the premise that perhaps my
problems were related to running applix on a hamm system but that is
not the case. Here's what happens:

I have tried every possible installation method - alien to convert the
rpms, using rpm, using rpm2targz to convert to tgz pkgs - with no real
hangups. However, when I go to run applix it either times out or gives
me an error (#127 I believe). Once every five times or so it will start
but when I try to import an rtf document it hangs forever.

I can't do without Applix so any suggestions will be greatly
appreciated!! Oh, btw, are there any other good spreadsheet packages
for Linux?


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