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I would like to add the question. (Sorry !)
Debian supports the HA(High Avaliablility) or PDB(Parallel Data Base) ?
Thanks for any related response


Greg Green wrote:

> Hello all:
> Can anyone point me in a good direction to learn how to set up RAID5 ?
> I am wanting to add three SCSI drives to my 1 EIDE Drive system.  I am
> thinking
> that I could add another EIDE drive as a mirror to the boot
> device/operating system, and
> RAID5 the 3 SCSI devices for mass storage and speed for applications.
> Can anyone help, or does it even sound like a good idea?
> Also, I am running 1.3.1, kernel 2.0.32 ( I think, after I recompiled
> the kernal via rlogin, I
> rebooted and could never reconnect)  I hope it worked, but now I have to
> wait until this
> weekend to make a trip out to my box.  This is why I wanted to get some
> information about RAID5
> in advance.
> Thanks for any input.
> Greg Green
> greg@advantagecom.com
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