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hamm (fresh) install considerations


I'm considering a fresh hamm install, however I haven't found much 
information about installing hamm fresh.  I presume that bash and libc 
would be non-issues (at least for installation), but beyond that, what 
can I expect, in terms of errors -- both quantity and complexity?

Also, I've always installed debian with cdrom and this time I want to 
start with a hard drive install, but I only want to download selected 
packages, then follow up with ftp.  Will dselect panic if many packages 
in the list of available packages aren't on my hard drive?  If so, 
what's a good way to generate a list of available packages, or is this 
a bad thing?

Are there not any dedicated hamm resources besides the upgrade doc, or 
am I blind?
D a v i d   S t e r n                          

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