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Re: Window-manager?

On 29 Jan 1998, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

> 	Are there any screen shots of wmaker? Or any comparisons with
>  fvwm2? I have a fairly complex console (dock) set up in fvwm2, and I
>  would like a little bit of incentive to change ;-)

It depends on what you are looking for. There are screenshots in
http://www.windowmaker.org/, and http://x.unicom.net/themes/wm/ (take a
look at the second location if you are in a hurry)

WindowMaker tries to be fast and simple. The motto is something like
"making a better NeXTStep", but I have to admit, it's not quite there,
yet. WindowMaker's Dock isn't as complex (read: featureful) as fvwm2's
console. It's not even as complex as AfterStep's. There's some ppl working
on extensions, but no real work as been done yet. 

I'm quite happy with it. But that's me. For example, WM doesn't have a
pager, and I don't miss it, because it has WorkSpaces... What I'm trying
to say is "try it, it's the only way". 



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