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Re: HELP: eth0 not recognized

dji@radio.email.ne.jp (David Iannucci) writes:

> I've got an ISA ethernet card that has E2000 printed on it, and
> so I've assumed it's an NE2000 compatible.  There's a paper
> note taped on the inside of the machine that says that the
> ethernet card is IRQ 7, and I've tried booting from LILO with
> "linux ether=7", but no go.  I've tried any number of ways, but

To make the NE2000 work, you have to specify the IO-address. There
should be a jumper for this.
You do see the kernel probing for the ne2000? Check with dmesg.

The kernel shipped with bo has ne2000 as a module. Did you install the
ne2000 module during installation? If not, then use modconf as root.

> more question: I've assumed that if the kernel recognizes the
> ether card, that eth0 interface will be created automatically
> and displayed when you do "ifconfig".  Is this the case?  Or am

Maybe you first have to assign a IP address to the card (see below). I
also have "alias eth0 ne" in /etc/conf.modules.

My /etc/init.d/network looks like this:       

ifconfig lo
route add -net

ifconfig eth0 netmask
route add -net   


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