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Re: Problems with java

Steve Witt wrote (Thu, 29 Jan 1998 19:27:58 -0800 (PST) ):
|>[/usr/home/witt/devel/java] $ java HelloWorldApp.class
|>Can't find class HelloWorldApp.class        
|>I've checked the environment variables CLASSPATH (I don't have it set, so
|>it should be set by the java scripts) and can't think of anything else.
|>Anyone have any ideas??

I haven't used jdk 1.1 yet, but I suspect that even if the CLASSPATH
variable is being set in the java wrappers, it's not including '.'
(the current directory).  In jdk 1.0.2, the default was to not include
the '.' directory.  You might want to just set the variable explicitly
to include '.' or just hack the java wrapper.

hope that helps...


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