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Offline Email

Does anybody have an idea of how to best set-up an offline email system? I
cannot find suitable information from the man pages etc.

What I want is the system that I can 'send' email while my machine is
off-line and then sometime later when I use a ppp connection, my system
will then send the email outside. I have tried both smail and sendmail
unfortunately they just write error messages about the email address not
being reachable etc.

I can use netscape but I have several users on my machine and it would not
be economical to let each person connect separately or for too long.

Any ideas appreciated.

Daniel J. Mashao	      	
Electrical Engineering                daniel@comgate.ee.uct.ac.za
University of Cape Town	       	    http://www.ee.uct.ac.za/~daniel 
Rondebosch, 7700, S. Africa    (w) 27+21+650 2816   (h) 27+21+705 1233

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