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Parallel port patches

<-Please, reply to this message to mansoft@maptel.es ->

Hi to everybody.

I have downloaded from the internet some "patches"
for my parallel port. The objective is to finally use
the printer and the Zip drive, but not at the same time.

Basically I have 2 questions:
1) How should I "install" these patches and then configure
it all to finally be able to print?

2) Do you know if this problem (or bug, whatever you want to
say ;-) ) is being solutioned in Debian 2.0? If not, I think
it would be interesting to correct the problem, because there's
a lot of people who use a printer and a Zip drive.

Well, thank you.
Àlex Maneu (maneu@maptel.es)
MAN Soft Magazine

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