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inbound traffic problem with hamm

i'm having some problems (well, COMPLETE problems) with incoming pop and
nntp.  i'm running hamm right now, using smail/pine and inn/tin.  here are
the pertinent crontabs i'm having trouble with (which were working

10,20,30... * * * * /usr/bin/fetchmail
10 * * * * /usr/bin/tin -q -r -S -n

in my .fetchmailrc i have "poll pop.primary.net protocol pop3 user jhonold
password PASSWORD fetchall".  running fetchmail -v last night yielded
"unknown host debian -- you need a . in your hostname).  debian is the name
of my localhost (not on a network).  i used smailconfig to set my outgoing
message domain to bigfoot.com.  the newer smail has unfortunately bound
both bigfoot.com and debian -- and uses debian as the first, i guess.
running fetchmail -v this morning said "smtp connect to debian failed -
connection refused".  i tried telnetting to smtp and i got the
connection refused as well.  

with tin it says it's connecting, and that posting is okay.  then it hangs.
 i noticed after leaving my box on overnight my system was SLOW in the
morning.  turns out i had about 10 stale tins running from my crontab -- i
killed them and it was fine.  i can send and recieve email/news from
netscape, so i know that's not the problem.  any ideas?

justin honold

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