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Re: fips equivalent for ext2?

     I assume you have disk space available, either on another
partition or available to partition.  Assuming that the new partition
is to be /dev/hdxn.  As root, you should do the following:

     1. fdisk /dev/hdx Use p to see the existing partition
arrangement, then, if it doesn't already exist, use n to create a
partition for /home. This partition does not have to be on the same
drive as the rest of the system.

     2. mkfs.ext2 /dev/hdxn

     3. mount /dev/hdxn /mnt (or any other convenient mount point)

     4. cd /home

     5. cp -a /home /mnt

     6. umount /mnt

     7. mount -t ext2 /dev/hdxn /home (Note that this does not damage
the existing files on /home.)

     8. create an entry in /etc/fstab that will mount this new home
partition on /home.

     After testing this setup, and being satisfied that nothing is
missing from the new home directory, you may reclaim the disk space
from your old /home directory as follows:

     1. umount /home

     2. rm -fr /home (This irretrievably destroys all files from the
old /home directory.)

     3. mkdir /home

     4. mount /home


On Wed, 28 Jan 1998, Ulisses Alonso Camaro <ulisses@pusa.eleinf.uv.es> wrote:
> I have a system with many users with /home mounted on the root partition.
> I would to avoid this, my root partition fulls the system, and I would
> like to try something different than reinstall the the system with a
> different partition layout.

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