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Re: fdformat

Catalin Popescu <cpopescu@ottonel.pub.ro> writes:

> Hi to everyone,
> Just a small and stupid question. How can I format floppies under
> Debian?  I've tried fdformat /dev/fd0H1440 (which used to work with
> Slackware) but it doesn't work with Debian. What am I missing?

That the new device name for 1.44 MB floppy is /dev/fd0u1440.

Here is a section from /usr/src/linux/Documentation/devices.txt

      NOTE: The letter in the device name (d, q, h or u)
      signifies the type of drive: 5.25" Double Density (d),
      5.25" Quad Density (q), 5.25" High Density (h) or 3.5"
      (any model, u).  The use of the capital letters D, H
      and E for the 3.5" models have been deprecated, since
      the drive type is insignificant for these devices.


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