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Development under Linux and X-Windows

Another stupid question:

I want to develop a few medium-sized Programms running under X-Windows.
doesn't look stable on my system, C and C++ isn't my favour language (i
do only
know as much as it was neccessary to know about while programming
Assembler on an
Amiga), but it seems that i have to use them.

So, what else do i need, should i read.
Are there some important packages out there (not included in the
What packages included in the distribution should i use/never use?
libc5/libc6 - in what way does this interfere with the selection of the
kernel-version, distribution, devel-packages and future

A few programms, i need to develop will be of commercial nature
(including a
non-commercial version - commercial only, if used by a commercial
group). After
all i don't want to use free software-components for them, because i
don't want
to use software which i shouldn't use in this case - on the other hand i
need to
buy as less software-licenses as possible - i don't have the money for
What should i keep in mind in respect to this situation?

And, what Window-Manager should i use?

Should i post those question to the developer mailing-list? Anyway, i
other newbies or half-newbies like to know what's the (not the only)
best way or best base to start programming in Linux.

Very important, this...


Sorry for the html, i dont' want to cause any overheat - so i hope it's
better to remail this message again.

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