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Re: Xsession (help)

Greg Green wrote (Sat, 24 Jan 1998 19:12:45 -0700 ):
|>I am having a very frustrating time with my .xsession.  I can login just
|>fine if I don't have a .xsession of my own, but if I copy the
|>/etc/X11/Xsession to my $HOME/.xsession, my console just hangs.  After
|>this hanging, I have to reboot.
|>Here is what my Xsession looks like (the one I copy to $HOME/.xsession)
|>#! /bin/sh

This is the first thing to notice...$startup is the file to which you
have copied the global Xsession file.

|>if [ -x $startup ] && grep -q ^allow-user-xsession /etc/X11/config
|>  exec $startup

Here's your problem.  It's going into an infinite loop, reading your
$HOME/.xsession file.

Why do you want to copy the global Xsession file to $HOME/.xsession?


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