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Re: ppp-on INVISIBLE

In article <[🔎]>,
	photonuv@kudos.net (Gerald Wann) writes:
> scripts, i get the message ppp-on: No such file or directory.

What is the first line of the file?  Is it:


If it is something else, does the program listed in the first line of
the ppp-on script exist?  (ie. in the case above, does /bin/sh really

This error (assuming that the ppp-on exists) usually means that the
first line of the script is wrong and points to something that isn't
there or it points to the wrong place for something (/bin/ instead of

Good Luck,

Graduate Student                                edwalter@iname.com
Department of Chemistry                       walter@chem.wisc.edu
Univ of Wisconsin-Madison               edwalter@students.wisc.edu
       <PGP Public Key: finger walter@fozzie.chem.wisc.edu>

MAC error message: Like, hey dude, something went wrong.
 -- tagline 1.00 by xopy

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