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X11R6 and Xterm problem

I am running Debian Bo, kernel 2.0.30.  I recently recompiled my kernel,
making some changes related to my sound card.  I used the kernel-package,
and all went smoothly.  I have noticed a minor glitch, however, and I need
some help.

My XWindows system seems to be working well, except for Xterm.  Anything I
type from the Xterm command line is unreadable (gibberish).  Much of what
is displayed in the window in response to a command such as 'ls' is
unreadable.  Some filenames are fine, others are distorted and unreadable.
Applications such as xemacs, netscape, mosaic, etc don't display this
problem with typed commands, only Xterm.

Can anyone offer suggestions as to what may be wrong, and what I can do to
correct it.  What do I need to check?  I'm using a DFI WG-1010P PCI
Accelerator Board with 1 MB of ram, and my screen depth is 16 bpp.  It
doesn't matter what screen resolution I use with ctl-alt +, scrolling
through the defined screens.  The problem is the same.

Any help/suggestions greatly appreciated.


Russell Cook, Engineering Branch
WSR-88D Operational Support Facility
(405)366-6520 x4237
rcook@osf.noaa.gov, russcook@icon.net

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